Vol. 5 (2023): january-december: continuous publication
Original article

Perception of the Peru-China FTA according to company size of Ica's agro-export sector

Nátaly Elizabeth Perales-Dávila
National University of San Marcos
Juan Carlos Solano-Gaviño
National University of Trujillo
Violeta Nolberto-Sifuentes
National University of San Marcos

Published 2023-05-22


  • Agricultural development,
  • agroindustry,
  • export,
  • trade policy

How to Cite

Perales-Dávila, N. E., Solano-Gaviño, J. C., & Nolberto-Sifuentes, V. (2023). Perception of the Peru-China FTA according to company size of Ica’s agro-export sector. Puriq, 5, e498. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.5.498

Métricas alternativas


This research seeks to determine the relationship between the perception of the development of the avocado agro-export sector in the Ica region according to company size after the Peru-China Free Trade Agreement came into force. The type of study was quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational in scope. The probability sample consisted of 73 avocado producers and agro-exporting companies in the Ica region. A structured questionnaire was applied in three dimensions: productivity, quality and price. The chi-square test was used to test the relationship between the variables. The perception of productivity, quality and price in the avocado agro-export sector and firm size showed a low correlation in each of them. The overall p-value was not less than 0.05 for the chi-square test. Company size is not correlated with the perception of the development of the avocado agro-export sector in the Ica region after the Peru-China FTA.


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