Vol. 4 (2022): january-december: continuous publication
Original article

Academic stress in university students in the face of virtual education associated with covid-19

Olivia Magaly Luque-Vilca
National University of Juliaca
Nestor Bolivar-Espinoza
National University of Juliaca
Víctor Ernesto Achahui-Ugarte
National University of Juliaca
Julio Rumualdo Gallegos-Ramos
National University of Juliaca

Published 2022-01-10


  • Covid 19,
  • academic stress,
  • virtual education,
  • stressors

How to Cite

Luque-Vilca, O. M., Bolivar-Espinoza, N., Achahui-Ugarte, V. E., & Gallegos-Ramos, J. R. (2022). Academic stress in university students in the face of virtual education associated with covid-19. Puriq, 4, e200. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.4.1.200

Métricas alternativas


Academic stress in university students associated with the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing due to the change from face-to-face to virtual education, causing decreased motivation and increased anxiety in students. The aim of this study is to evaluate academic stress in university students in the face of virtual education associated with COVID-19. To this end, the validated academic stress questionnaire SISCO SV- COVID-19 was applied, and 92.27% of the students surveyed had academic stress, identifying the overload of tasks and work to be completed within the deadlines set by teachers as a stress factor.


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