About the Journal

Throughout the year, articles are received for evaluation and subsequent publication, which should be sent to the journal's web page, section: submissions.

The journal had a multidisciplinary approach until Vol. 3, No. 1. The editorial line of Vol. 3, No. 2, disseminates research in the thematic area of Applied Social Sciences. OECD Area: Social Sciences: Psychology, Education, Sociology, Anthropology, Law, Politics, Communication and Journalism. From Vol. 4, 2022 onwards, the publication is continuous, which contributes to accelerate the communication of research. The articles are submitted to the evaluation and arbitration of renowned academics who are part of the Scientific Committee. The content of the articles in the Journal is the sole responsibility of their authors. The Puriq Journal is indexed and summarized in several services. if you are interested, we recommend that you consult Types of publications and Norms for authors.

Rejection rate

Year 2019: 42%  -  2020: 49%  - 2021: 31% - 2022: 78% - 2023: 71%

Focus and scope

Puriq is a journal of continuous publication that disseminates scientific articles and reflections resulting from research processes that can be written in Spanish, English and Portuguese. It publishes original articles by researchers from all over the world: It disseminates research in the Applied Social Thematic Area. Area OECD Area: Social Sciences.. 

Journal entity

The Puriq Scientific Research Journal, is a publication edited by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta - Peru, its contents are of free access to all its articles. The journal publishes works resulting from scientific research in its electronic version and continues from 2022, the purpose is to disseminate to the national and international scientific community that triangulates academic information. The journal is concerned with preserving the professional ethics of its collaborators, complying with responsible conduct in research.


Puriq is a publication that aims to be a critical and plural medium, from which to reflect, debate and disseminate the results of research in the Social Sciences for the scrutiny of researchers around the world.

Target audience

It is made up of researchers, graduate and postgraduate thesis students, professionals interested in deepening their knowledge in a specific area of scientific knowledge developed by Puriq magazine. 


The Puriq Journal from Vol. 4, 2022 onwards is an ongoing publication that contributes to accelerating research communication. 


The journal accepts research papers written in Spanish, English and Portuguese. All foreign words in manuscripts should be presented in italics.

Collection and payment policy

The Puriq Journal of Scientific Research does not charge for manuscript submission, evaluation or publication of articles.

Publication Policy

The Puriq Journal has associate editors and guest editors depending on the nature of the manuscripts and special publications.

Journal sponsors

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta Vicepresidencia de Investigación 

Cookie Policy

The Journal of Scientific Research PURIQ informs that, in compliance with the services offered by the Peruvian State, the website uses cookies... Read more https://www.gob.pe/politicas/cookies so this journal is included within these rules.

Digital preservation policy


Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system that guarantees the journal a permanent and secure archive. LOCKSS is an open source program developed by the Stanford University Library that allows libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly searching registered journals to collect new published content and archive it. Each archive is continuously validated against records from other libraries, so any damaged or lost content can be restored using those records or the journal itself. 

LOCKSS stores and distributes content from the Puriq Research Journal to collaborating libraries through a LOCKSS Editorial Manifesto page.


Open Journal Systems also supports CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) to ensure a permanent and secure archive for the journal. CLOCKSS is based on the open source LOCKSS software developed at Stanford University Library, which allows libraries to preserve selected web journals by regularly checking registered journal websites for recently published content and archiving it. Each archive is constantly validated against other library caches and, if it is detected that the content has been corrupted or lost, the other caches or the journal are used to restore it.

CLOCKSS stores and distributes Puriq Research Journal content to participating libraries through the CLOCKSS Publisher Manifest page.


This is an open access journal, which means that all content is freely available at no charge to the user or their institution. Users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without seeking prior permission from the publisher or author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Copyright notice

The concepts contained in the scientific articles included in this edition are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect institutional criteria. Authors will retain their copyright and guarantee the journal the right of first publication of their work, which will be simultaneously subject to the licencia de Creative Commons NoComercial 4.0 Internacional(CC BY-NC 4.0) 

Licencia Creative Commons