Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): PURIQ (January-April)

Metacognition: a strategic phenomenon for teaching and learning

Carlos Fernando Vélez Gutiérrez
University of Caldas
Francisco Javier Ruíz Ortega
University of Caldas

Published 2021-01-04


  • Cognition,
  • metacognition,
  • teaching,
  • learning

How to Cite

Vélez Gutiérrez, C. F., & Ruíz Ortega, F. J. (2021). Metacognition: a strategic phenomenon for teaching and learning . Puriq, 3(1), 93–103. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.3.1.112

Métricas alternativas


The discussion about metacognition, a recently characterized cognitive phenomenon, indispensable in education processes and problem-solving, falls within two particular fields of knowledge, i.e., evolutionary psychology and information processing. From these fields come the theoretical perspectives that emphasize phenomena such as the theory of the mind, the evolution of intelligence, the sense of knowledge, understanding, knowledge, and regulation. As conclusions, for the teacher, we emphasize the importance of raising awareness about students' mental processing manners as a possibility to adapt teaching strategies, an essential requirement to ensure that learning and development occur and that the student engages more effectively.


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