Vol. 3 No. 4 (2021): PURIQ (September-December)

Logics of Justice and Emancipation: A Reading by Nancy Fraser

Javier Fernández B.
University of Chile

Published 2021-09-11


  • Distribution,
  • acknowledgment,
  • Nancy Fraser

How to Cite

Fernández B., J. (2021). Logics of Justice and Emancipation: A Reading by Nancy Fraser. Puriq, 3(4), 610–621. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.3.4.241

Métricas alternativas


This paper is a reading on Nancy Fraser's political thinking based mainly on the text From distribution to recognition? Dilemmas of justice in the <<postsocialist>> age. We argue that it is possible to find significant contributions from the North American thinker that would allow for the articulation of policies that go beyond both identity politics and economic issues, enabling fundamental mixtures for a society to come. We reflect on how Fraser's proposal would make sense with new directions and how it would account for elements currently under debate that could set up a new framework of meaning from the field of political theory.


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