Vol. 5 (2023): january-december: continuous publication

The body-gender relationship and the perpetuation of heteronormative violence in school contexts

Alexander Méndez-Pinzón
District University of Bogotá

Published 2023-11-23


  • Body,
  • gender,
  • heteronormativity,
  • sexuality

How to Cite

Méndez-Pinzón, A. (2023). The body-gender relationship and the perpetuation of heteronormative violence in school contexts. Puriq, 5, e532. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.5.532

Métricas alternativas


Carrying out an analysis of the governmental discourses related to training for sexuality in schools in Colombia and a subsequent reflection regarding the way in which a normalization of the body-gender relationship sustained in a mandatory heteronormativity is configured, is a relevant matter for the educational system in Colombia. For this purpose, this article will give an account of the problematization regarding the way in which certain technologies of power immersed in educational public policies, specifically in the program of education for sexuality and construction of citizenship, configure a mandatory heteronormativity that corresponds to the femininities and masculinities legitimized by the public educational policy. Consequently, it is intended to account for the way in which said heteronormativity immersed in the school device, produces certain violence that affects the body-gender relationship in school subjects, especially that of those who identify themselves as LGTBIQ.


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