Vol. 1 No. 01 (2019): PURIQ (January-June)

Rosa luxemburg: the revolution the only way

Susana Bruno Ochoa
Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla

Published 2019-07-05


  • Revolution,
  • Rosa Luxemburg

How to Cite

Bruno Ochoa, S. (2019). Rosa luxemburg: the revolution the only way. Puriq, 1(01), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.1.01.8

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Rosa Luxemburg, great leader, woman of firm ideals who considered that there was no other way to freedom than revolution, was co-founder of the Communist Party of Germany and defended her ideals until the day of her brutal death in 1919. In 1917 from the prison of Breslau, she wrote a letter to her young friend Sophie Liebknecht, in this letter, she made clear the hope that the German proletarians would wake up to the revolution, to encourage her young friend to keep "her head held high" and keep the strength, the author wrote the following lines: "... Everything will change and it will get better, we must not always expect the worst! (Schütrumpf 2007, 58).


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  1. Bernstein, Eduard. (1982). Las premisas del socialismo y las tareas de la socialdemocracia. México: Siglo XXI.
  2. Luxemburg, Rosa. (2003). Huelga de masas, partido y sindicato. Madrid: Fundación Federico Engels.
  3. —. La acumulación del capital o en qué han convertido los epígonos la teoría de Marx. Germina, s.f. Luxemburg, Rosa. «La revolución rusa.» En Obras escogidas, de Rosa Luxemburg, 374-406. Izquierda revolucionaria, 2006.
  4. —. Programa de la liga Spartakus y otros escritos. Berlín: Edicions Internacionals Sedov, s.f.
  5. —. Reforma o revolución. Ciudad de México: Grijalbo, S.A., 1967.
  6. Schütrumpf, Jörn. Rosa Luxemburg: o el precio de la libertad. Berlín: Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin, 2007.