The PURIQ Journal is committed to comply with and maintain ethical standards throughout the publication process of its articles and to communicate these aspects to all authors who use the journal. The standards proposed within the norms of the journal are in accordance with the proposal of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which establishes guidelines for research ethics. We abide by the fundamentals of: AURA COPE DORA "SciELO Guide of Good Practices for the Strengthening of Ethics in Scientific Publication"    

In this sense, the following are identified as bad practices:

Authorship and contributions:

PURIQ respects the order in which the authors arrange their appearance in the article's affiliation; regardless of whether it is an alphabetical order or by volume of participation, it is assumed that they have previously agreed on that order and that they understand that they are responsible, in co-authorship, for the integrity of the information postulated. In addition, in the Letter of originality and assignment of rights CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), applicants are asked to identify all the authors and to make a percentage distribution of their participation. This information is expected to reduce the omission of persons (ghost authors) or their appearance (gift authors). At the same time, through the application of the first review filter, PURIQ expects to obtain information that confirms the data provided by the applicants.

In cases where there is doubt about the authorship, a space will be opened for the applicants to explain the situation. No withdrawal of authors will be made without a note of acceptance from the person to be withdrawn. When there are cases of physical or material order, for example: health problems or death, the editorial team will resolve according to the specificities of the particular case.

Appeals and complaints:

The Journal will attend to and resolve arguments or appeals related to the non-publication of an article and will endeavor to do so in an efficient manner without this implying a commitment to publication. When appeals are related to the result of an arbitration, the substantiated arguments presented by the authors will be evaluated, and if doubts persist, a new arbitration will be used to define the result.

In the case of plagiarism complaints, the journal will apply its own detection mechanisms to verify the complaint; if necessary, it will resort to external expertise and will resolve the matter in accordance with the corresponding institutional, national and international regulations. Complaints related to the conduct of members of the journal's editorial or technical team will be dealt with by the remaining members of the editorial team; if this is not possible or prudent, the mechanisms and structures already established by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta will be used to deal with this type of complaint.

In all cases, the person denouncing is expected to send an email to the Journal's address at in which he/she concretely states his/her arguments and attaches the evidence he/she deems relevant.

Conflicts of interest:

The Journal promotes use of the conflict of interest statement as a transparency tool. Personal conditions, work relationship, financing or support with resources, etc., must be identified by the authors.

Authors, reviewers and members of the editorial and technical staff of the Journal must indicate if there is any interest that may affect the effectiveness or objectivity of the tasks performed for the publication. Authors should do so when submitting their article; reviewers, when receiving the request for arbitration or at the moment they identify any element that may influence the result of the review, in which case they should notify the Director/Editor of the Journal so that he/she can replace them.

In the event that a conflict of interest is detected in an article already published, a space will be opened for the authors to explain the situation and any clarifications deemed necessary will be incorporated into the information of the article.
