Effect of Pyrolean acid on the germination of Sandia, Cocona and Cacao in the District of San Gabán, Carabaya
Published 2020-08-06
- Pyroleanic acid,
- seed germination,
- bio-oil,
- wood vinegar
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For the present research work, the main objective was to evaluate the effect of pyrolenous acid and the optimal dose for the germination of watermelon, cocona and cacao seeds; the randomized complete design statistical model was used, the factors under study were: pyrolenous acid dose obtained from Bambú, Pisonay and Cético (1, 10, 100 ml) and seeds of the three mentioned species, we worked with 9 treatments and a control plus three repetitions, the variables were: germination percentage and dose. The results indicate significant effects of pyrolenous acid on germination, of cocona seeds, cacao with 96.70%, and 100%, however, there were negative effects for watermelon seeds. Likewise, the application of pyrolenous acid at a dose of 10 ml had the best results in the germination of cacao and cocona seeds with 97% and 90%. In conclusion, the application of pyrolenous acid at doses of 10 ml improved the germination process of the Cocona and Cacao seeds, however, at a high dose of 100 ml it inhibits germination, finally, the 1 ml dose does not show positive effects respectively.
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