Vol. 4 (2022): january-december: continuous publication
Artículo de Revisión

Pedagogical practice: (re) significance from a positivist position to a critical position

Carlos Ivan Bucheli-Chaves
Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia
Publio Suárez-Sotomonte
Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Published 2022-09-29


  • Pedagogical practice,
  • positivism,
  • teaching,
  • school

How to Cite

Bucheli-Chaves, C. I., & Suárez-Sotomonte, P. (2022). Pedagogical practice: (re) significance from a positivist position to a critical position. Puriq, 4, e404. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.4.404

Métricas alternativas


From the interest in corroborating the positivist and non-positivist counterpoints towards the (re)signification of the different pedagogical practices that seek to transform teaching-learning, postures from the absolute positivist approach (19th century), the neopositivism and postpositivism until arriving at interpretivism with approaches to the critical social approach, that is, moving from a manipulable experimental methodology to a dialogical-dialectical methodology where critical postures and trends reveal a new school with a tendency to be (re)signified by new pedagogical practices. The article seeks an approach to the state of the art related to the pedagogical practice in mathematics, in such a way that teacher training is oriented towards new approaches that (re) signify the objective and subjective positions in order to complement each other in the teaching-learning processes. It is therefore that this article makes visible radical positions and new pedagogical trends due to the significant differences of each paradigm in order to position a new critical position in the reader from the ontological, epistemological and methodological processes.


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