Vol. 5 (2023): january-december: continuous publication
Original article

Environmental and ethical–moral contributions of a Wampis ancestral narrative

Manuel Yóplac-Acosta
Universidad Nacional Intercultural "Fabiola Salazar LeguÍa" de Bagua
Sebanias Cuja-Quiac
National Intercultural University "Fabiola Salazar LeguÍa" of Bagua
Enrique Velázquez-Ruiz
National Intercultural University "Fabiola Salazar LeguÍa" of Bagua

Published 2023-12-31


  • Wampis,
  • narration,
  • ancestral knowledge

How to Cite

Yóplac-Acosta, M., Cuja-Quiac, S., & Velázquez-Ruiz, E. (2023). Environmental and ethical–moral contributions of a Wampis ancestral narrative. Puriq, 5, e553. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.5.553

Métricas alternativas


This work interprets the wampis ancestral narrative “Ya najanakmau” or “the origin of the stars” and reflects on its contributions to the environmental and ethical-moral conception. It is based on the idea that ancestral oral narratives contain valuable knowledge as a result of the long balanced coexistence of the wampis man with the Amazon. Interculturality and ecology of knowledge are taken as theoretical foundations; and for interpretation, diatoptic and analogical hermeneutics are used as methods. The results suggest that the environmental contribution of the narrative conceives nature as a whole that has the category of subject where life develops; as well as the reflection that what is bad is harmful and must be rejected for the coexistence of a balance, from an ethical-moral perspective and contribution.


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