Vol. 6 (2024): january-december: continuous publication
Artículo de Revisión

El epifenomenismo y la filosofía de Schopenhauer

Giancarlo Anselmo-Rivera
Roma Tre University

Published 2024-04-22


  • Epiphenomenalism,
  • idealism,
  • will,
  • Schopenhauer

How to Cite

Anselmo-Rivera, G. (2024). El epifenomenismo y la filosofía de Schopenhauer. Puriq, 6, e558. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.6.558

Métricas alternativas


This article offers an introductory exposition on the relationship between the philosophical thesis of epiphenomenalism and Schopenhauer's philosophy regarding the problem of the mind-body relationship. The most important notions are presented in a summarized manner, which allows the general reader to have an approach towards understanding this problem. On the one hand, contemporary authors who address epiphenomenalism have been considered; on the other hand, to obtain a general vision of Schopenhauer's philosophy and relate it to the topic, the most important concepts from his works have been selected. The examination of these contents allows us to establish a relationship between both proposals and, in turn, invites us to reflect on the possible preponderance of the biological component over reason.


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