Vol. 6 (2024): january-december: continuous publication

Questions on religion, state and public spaces. A brief review of the book Poder, Religión y Secularidad by Polo Santillán & Mora Zavala (2023).

Wilmer Edwin Valverde-Rodríguez
National University of Trujillo
María Isabel Contreras-Molina
San Cristóbal of Huamanga University
Cynthia Melina Campos-Velezmoro
National University of Trujillo

Published 2024-03-12


  • Religion,
  • secularity,
  • laicity,
  • buddhist philosophy,
  • power

How to Cite

Valverde-Rodríguez, W. E., Contreras-Molina, M. I., & Campos-Velezmoro, C. M. (2024). Questions on religion, state and public spaces. A brief review of the book Poder, Religión y Secularidad by Polo Santillán & Mora Zavala (2023). Puriq, 6, e592. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.6.592

Métricas alternativas


The book Power, Religion and Secularity (2023) by Polo Santillán & Mora Zavala (Eds.), is an important effort to update reasoning and knowledge about religion in a global context of hyperconnection, confessional revitalization and masked nihilism. This work is composed of four parts that address burning issues of the moment: secularity, secularity, modernity, nihilism, philosophy, politics and their relationship with religion. Each chapter contains articles that develop these concepts and themes from novel theoretical and philosophical perspectives.


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  1. Botero, D. (2017). Antropología de la religión y la educación religiosa escolar. En Botero, D. y Hernández, A. [Compiladores]. Aproximaciones a la naturaleza y fundamentos epistemológicos de la Educación Religiosa Escolar (pp. 37-58). Cali: Sello Editorial Unicatólica.
  2. Franco, F. (Comp.). (2014). Textos de Antropología. (1ª ed.). Venezuela: Universidad de los Andes.
  3. Martínez, C. & Ojeda, M. N. (2010). Antropología: La evolución (1ª ed.). Firmas Press.
  4. Polo Santillán, M. A. & Mora Zavala, C. A. (Eds.). (2023). Poder, Religión y Secularidad (1ª ed.). Huanta - Ayacucho: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Huanta, 194 pp. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37073/feunah.42