Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): PURIQ (January-April)

Bacteriological quality of water for human consumption and acute diarrhea disease in the district of Razuri. Province of Ascope. La Libertad

Jorge Wilmer Elías Silupu
National University of Trujillo
Carlor Alexander Avalos Luis
National University of Trujillo
Jessica Medrano Obando
National University of Trujillo

Published 2020-03-12


  • Bacteriological water quality; drinking water; acute diarrheal disease

How to Cite

Elías Silupu, J. W., Avalos Luis, C. A., & Medrano Obando, J. (2020). Bacteriological quality of water for human consumption and acute diarrhea disease in the district of Razuri. Province of Ascope. La Libertad . Puriq, 2(1), 3–15. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.2.1.69

Métricas alternativas


The objective of the study was to determine the bacteriological quality of water for human consumption and the acute diarrheal disease, in the district of Rázuri. Province of Ascope. Department of La Libertad - Peru. Depending on the type of research is applied and quantitative. Method: prospective study, statistical, interpretative, documentary and judgmental. With a quasi-experimental design with longitudinal cut. The samples of water were collected from 14 localities in 03 sampling points: In well, in reservoir and public network; and microbiological analyzes of water were assessment by the laboratory of the Office of Environmental Health of the sub management of the promotion of the Territorial Management - GERESA / LL. For the determination of acute diarrheal disease (ADD) the data are taken from the record of medical consultations of the Health Center of Rázuri - MINSA and Logging Software doctor - Health Post Malabrigo - ESSALUD. 2018. In the statistical validation was used the non-parametric test Fisher exact test and Chi square test both with a confidence level of 95%, determined in terms of bacteriological quality of the water suitable for the towns of Puerto Malabrigo, dry bush, Paradise, The Pearl of Macabí, Macabí High, Line, Pancal and within groups of unfit for the towns of San Mateo, El Palomar, Santa Rosa, the García, The Corlib, The Algodonal, and the New Paradise. The drinking water is safe for human consumption to 100 per cent for the urban area administered by SEDALIB and 50 per cent for the rural area administered by JASS. Attended to 318 (77%) cases of aqueous EDA from the urban area. It is concluded that there is no statistically significant difference in the bacteriological quality of drinking water chlorinated administered both in the urban area and the rural area. There is no significant difference in the cases of EDA between the urban area and the rural area. In the urban area, administered by SEDALIB, there is an inverse relationship between chlorinated water suitable for human consumption with respect to the presence of bacteria, therefore, cases of EDA may have other sources such as the consumption of contaminated food; whereas, for the rural area, administered by JASS, these may be due both to water as to contaminated food.


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