Vol. 2 No. 3 (2020): PURIQ (September-December)

Confirmed cases and mortality from COVID-19 in South America: a comparative analysis per million inhabitants

Nelson Berrocal Huamani
San Cristóbal of Huamanga University
Maria Estrella Nuñez Arotoma
San Cristóbal of Huamanga University
Juan Carlos Orosco Gavilán
Private University of the North
Patricia Beatriz Llaque Quiroz
National Institute of Child Health-San Borja
Magaly Lizana Medrano
San Cristóbal of Huamanga University

Published 2020-07-20


  • COVID-19,
  • Coronavirus Infections,
  • Pandemic,
  • Latin america

How to Cite

Berrocal Huamani, N., Nuñez Arotoma, M. E., Orosco Gavilán, J. C., Llaque Quiroz, P. B., & Lizana Medrano, M. (2020). Confirmed cases and mortality from COVID-19 in South America: a comparative analysis per million inhabitants. Puriq, 2(3), 209–221. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.2.3.95

Métricas alternativas


This article shows a comparison of confirmed cases and death from Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), among South American countries, considering cases per million inhabitants and standardizing the time of infection, from the day of confirmation of case zero to each country. The objective is to more uniformly evaluate the spread of this virus and thus evaluate the result of the measures taken by governments against COVID-19, since various research centers show comparisons without taking into account the proportion of inhabitants, nor the time (days) of contagion between countries. In addition, we provide short-term predictions and an estimate of the end of confirmed cases in the most affected countries.


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