Format review

When an article is submitted through the OJS system, the editorial process begins with the review of the submission format, which includes: 

Originality assessment

The evaluation is then carried out using anti-plagiarism software, Turnitin, which determines the level of similar and identical elements present in the application, which have not been correctly referenced and which constitute plagiarism. This evaluation is independent and rigorous. Based on the report generated by the software itself, and if a considerable percentage of similar elements are found within the article, it is suggested to the General Editor to reject the application. Puriq defines plagiarism as the appropriation, presentation as one's own or use of another's intellectual material without explicit acknowledgement of its original source. 

Peer review

Once the originality evaluation phase has been passed, the article will be evaluated by a blind reviewer external to the journal's publishing entity, under the double-blind peer review modality, which implies the anonymity of authors and reviewers (interaction with the reviewers is encouraged according to the author's interest). Response time: Authors receive an acceptance response within an average of 12 weeks from the submission of the manuscript.

Selection of reviewers

The reviewers chosen will be specialists in the subject and of recognized academic prestige in the thematic area of the article, with experience in research and with articles published in Peruvian and foreign scientific journals. In addition, they do not belong to Puriq's editorial body. The selection of reviewers is fundamental to the review process, and we base our choice on many factors, including experience, reputation, and specific recommendations from our associate editors. For example, we avoid using reviewers who are chronically slow, careless, overly harsh, or overly lenient.

Evaluation and judgment

The blind peer reviewer will submit the Jury Evaluation Form (DOWNLOAD) of the article, which will have a verdict on the submission, with the following options: 

If the blind reviewer's opinion on the article is to make some corrections, the author will be responsible for making them, within the deadline established by the Journal (generally 15 days), and must send the article by OJS with the correction letter. If the article is not sent within the stipulated date, it is not guaranteed to appear in the next issue to be published. Once the author returns the article with the integrated adjustments, these will be checked and, if necessary, sent back to the author, until the document is cleaned up. Use the response letter form: DOWNLOAD.

Reviewer Information

In recognition of the time and expertise that our reviewers bring to the Puriq editorial process, we formally acknowledge their contribution to the external peer review of articles published in the journal. All peer-reviewed content will carry a statement acknowledging the anonymous reviewer, and for those reviewers who consent, we will publish their names along with the published article. We will continue to publish reviewers' reports when authors opt for our independent transparent peer review system. In cases where authors opt for publication of reviewers' comments and reviewers opt to be named, we will not link a reviewer's name to their report unless they choose to sign their comments to the author with their name.

If reviewers choose to be named on the DOWNLOAD evaluation form, their names will appear on the published article as follows:

This study has been reviewed by external peers in double-blind mode.

Reviewer A: (Grade) (First name) (Last name) ORCID, mail.

Reviewer B: (Grade) (First name) (Last name) ORCID, mail.

Reviewer C: (Grade) (First name) (Last name) ORCID, mail.