v. 2 n. 2 (2020): PURIQ (maio-agosto)

Publicado 2020-04-09


  • Realismo,
  • Idealismo

Como Citar

Vargas Huanca, G. (2020). The realism. Puriq, 2(2), 47–50. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.2.2.75

Métricas alternativas


If you ever as a child climbed a ladder and fell, this episode probably discouraged any interest in trying again in your childhood. You may have considered in your mind that the stairs were too high or short, big or ugly, or even bad. In materialistic terms, it can be argued that this whole series of characteristics associated with the staircase are thought of from a subjective plane, an idealistic and emotional notion that is enmeshed in what feels like fear due to the trauma. In contrast to this, a more objectivist view would have to accept that ladders are inanimate beings, objects useful to knowledge, but not intentionally participating in the sensitive experience of the subject. The latter analysis is based on a philosophical current called realism.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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