Engagement and work performance of the workers of a Social Program in the Apurimac Territorial Unit
Published 2023-06-05
- Engagement,
- job performance,
- vigor,
- dedication,
- absorption
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alfredo Huamán-Cuya, Roxana Marvi Torres-Limascca

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Métricas alternativas
The management of work performance is of vital importance for the fulfillment of organizational goals and objectives. The purpose of the academic paper was to determine the association between engagement and job performance in workers in a Social Program. It was carried out under the quantitative route, a basic type of correlational scope. The design was non-experimental transitional. The entire population was included, 94 workers of the Together Program - Apurimac Territorial Unit. A 24-item questionnaire with Likert-type categories was administered. 45.7% indicated having a good attitude and commitment to carry out their activities; Meanwhile, 50% reported excellent work performance. Consequently, a positive relationship with considerable intensity between engagement and work performance was obtained. It means that both variables undergo changes in the same direction before any favorable event or not in the entity.
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