Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): PURIQ (January-April)

CHANGE OF WORDS César Hildebrandt, Penguin Random House Editorial Group: DEBATE, Third Reprint: September 2018.

Huanta National Autonomous University

Published 2020-03-12


  • Social communication,
  • journalism

How to Cite

egutierrez. (2020). CHANGE OF WORDS César Hildebrandt, Penguin Random House Editorial Group: DEBATE, Third Reprint: September 2018. Puriq, 2(1), 40–44. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.2.1.64

Métricas alternativas


The political events of a nation rule the agglomerated milestone of opinion figures, who agitate the masses for a particular political ideology. That representation is subject to politicians representing a political party, at the same time it has to be based on programmatic ideologies with a journalistic dissemination body that points to a rule in its historical process, for example the ideological struggles in the journalistic industries: “The group tends to assimilate all the elements capable of claiming socialism without excepting those that come from gonzalezpradista radicalism and are preserved outside the political parties ”(Mariátegui, 1986, p.99)


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  1. Gutiérrez, G. E. (2019). 50 años de la gesta huantina por la gratuidad de la educación. Puriq, 1(1), 41-50. doi:https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.1.01.58
  2. Mariátegui, J. C. (1986, p.99). Ideología y política. Chile: Biblioteca Amauta. Obtenido de https://www.archivochile.com/Ideas_Autores/mariategui_jc/s/Tomo13.pdf
  3. Vergara, A. (2018, p.151). Ciudadanos sin república. De la precariedad institucional al descalabro político. Lima: Planeta Perú S. A.