Original article
Social trajectories of professors and their perceptions in the formation of values in university students
Published 2023-03-31
- Values,
- comparative education,
- subjectivity,
- university teaching
How to Cite
Guerrero-Azpeitia, L. A. (2023). Social trajectories of professors and their perceptions in the formation of values in university students. Puriq, 5, e472. https://doi.org/10.37073/puriq.5.472
Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Arturo Guerrero-Azpeitia
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Métricas alternativas
In this research, the objective was to describe the predispositions of university professors who, according to their social trajectories, manifest about the formation of values in students. For the above, a theoretical-conceptual scaffolding of a sociological nature was built that articulated the production of subjectivity from the objective conditions, methodologically three moments were recovered: 1) determination of the social trajectories of the teachers; 2) characterization of their predispositions on the formation of values; and 3) construction of the relationship between them. The findings suggest a significant difference in the interpretative categories built on the predispositions in the formation of values between social agents, attributed mainly to the objective conditions of origin in both cases when observing significant differences in the appropriation of values in the family, educational and social. These findings provide elements for the reorganization of activities and contents for the development and appropriation of corresponding valuesDownloads
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